A while back I had mad a Naruto Demon Wind Shuriken, I have also made a KeyBlade and Links Shield and his sword partially during the last few years. Though I do not have them anymore due to the fact that I am now in college. With this said, because I live on campus and can only have certain things in my room that keep to the school rules, I will be making props just with cheap materials and they wont be too much of high quality compared to better building materials but I will be making props in the future. I think I will start again with making the DWS from Naruto again. This time now that I am a bit more creative with things I will be attempting to make one collapses down to the side of one blade staked like the on in the anime. This will be my first build when I get the chance. Though I will also be making small things in my spare time as well so be on the look out for those too. I think that at some point too I will try my hand at polymer clay, or something similar to ...