
Showing posts from March, 2017


Yup, guess who managed to catch this cold like sickness that's going around, that's right I did. How you ask - My roommate and my manager. Within the last two weeks both my roommate and my manager came down with really bad colds, my managers was written off as the common cold but my roommate was told that she may or may not have the flu which the entire apartment had been exposed to well before she went in to get a check up. Everything was going fine and no one else was showing symptoms though over the course of going to work and being exposed to the common cold working with my boss (who cous not take off because all the other managers were out on vacation and or sick themselves) and then coming home to a sick roommate I should have known I could not bypass the chance of catching something., which i unfortunately did. :( On a brighter note though I did recieve my Victor cosplay track suit in the mail yesterday and plan on doing a review here on the blog perhaps this weeken...

Slow day Saturday

Just a simple little update. It's Saturday, not much to do but catch up on some math homework and think about future blog posts. I haven't drawn much of anything lately due to classes and work though I am looking for ideas and or requests of things to draw and I am always up for suggestions in the comments be low this post. Though on another note I would like to mention that if you have not seen my last post here about my Ko-Fi account please go check it out. I am trying to stay on campus this year for the summer so that I can keep my job and be able to support myself, but I need a little help with raising the money to make the payments. Each donation is 3$ through my Ko-Fi page and is very much appreciated in the fact that you all are helping me pay for a place to stay for the summer. Ko-Fi And as always please check me out on other social media which is always linked below the date of every post! Thanks and i'll see you in the next post! -Rae Mar. 18th, 2017 ...


Hey everyone as of yesterday I set up a Ko-Fi account in order to help with raising enough money to pay for my summer housing at my university. I will be moving into West Lake during the first week of May at the moment. Though at the same time I have to either pay in full or make two payments in order to be able to stay for the summer. I ended up getting a placement in the 3 bedroom single section so I will have to pay 1840$ in total for one full payment or I can choose to pay 920$ on the 1st of May and the 1st of June. (button is at the top of the right column if you would like to check out or even donate to my page) Universities page - In order to reach my goal I will need about 613 donations to cover the full cost. I may not be able to reach this number of people but I will try and I will be doing other things on the side in order to help add to any donations that I may get. Please check me out on other...

Figure Skating?

Welp, it only really took the first episode for me to die in the fandom and want to try my hand at it soooo... I got a used pair on ebay for the hell of it.  I have been on the ice a few times now, fallen less than I thought I would but none the less fallen. While I do not have the money at the moment I would love to take lessons at some point. Many would say that there is no hope for me to start considering I am already 20 and will be 21 in may of this year - but eh to heck with them I just wanna have fun. Viktor has got to be my current favorite and as mentioned in yesterdays post I will be cosplaying him at Metrocon this year. I ordered his Track Suit online from Harajuku In Wonderland but can not give ant type of review for them yet as I have not gotten my cosplay yet. Though I must say it has been hard trying to contact them during the process and I hope that they will deliver with the final product, so please be on the look out for a post on that in the ...

MetroCon 2017!

So it is official I am going to MetroCon this year. I actually got my ticket some time at the beginning of the month but have not had the chance to do a post here on the blog. My current line up for this event is : Viktor Nikiforov, Toph Beifong, Ciel Phantomhive (In wonderland). Raven (Teen Titans - Grey Timid version) At this very moment I am hand sewing my cloak for Raven with this tutorial Here  - Which I managed to cut my hood wrong on the first go round but ended up adding an extra seam. Pictures will be posted sometime soon on Instagram and then later here.  Currently planning to work on Toph after Raven since they are a bit simpler and I can take about an hour out of my busy week (or at least try) in order to work on making the cosplays. Viktor's cosplay id planned to be a summer project as I want to make sure I spend hella long making that one and making sure everything is correct, lol. And last but not least, I already have my Ciel in Wonderland cosplay...

Reasons why I don't post often

I am a student and I work part time at my University Bookstore. I am sure that I have mentioned this before in many other posts but I though I would explain it a bit more in depth. This semester I Have four upper level classes that I go to Tuesday - Thursday. Two of my classes meet twice in that time frame and then the other two meet once. Aside from that I work all other days (including Sunday when asked). Hours can range from 7:45 A.M - 6 P.M Monday -Thursday when I am not in class. 7:45 A.M - 5 P.M. on Fridays and occasionally 9:45 - 2 P.M on Saturdays. Leaving Sundays to be my only free day aside from having to do homework or room cleaning. I literally don't have time to do much of anything, LOL - I'll make it though. I know its hard to seem as though this blog will ever catch on but I really hope that is does. In the mean time please do go check me out on other social media. Facebook - Chillwithrae Instagram - CCwithRae   New Art, Photography and Cosplay focused Tum...