Reasons why I don't post often

I am a student and I work part time at my University Bookstore. I am sure that I have mentioned this before in many other posts but I though I would explain it a bit more in depth. This semester I Have four upper level classes that I go to Tuesday - Thursday. Two of my classes meet twice in that time frame and then the other two meet once. Aside from that I work all other days (including Sunday when asked). Hours can range from 7:45 A.M - 6 P.M Monday -Thursday when I am not in class. 7:45 A.M - 5 P.M. on Fridays and occasionally 9:45 - 2 P.M on Saturdays. Leaving Sundays to be my only free day aside from having to do homework or room cleaning. I literally don't have time to do much of anything, LOL - I'll make it though. I know its hard to seem as though this blog will ever catch on but I really hope that is does. In the mean time please do go check me out on other social media.

Facebook - Chillwithrae
Instagram - CCwithRae 
New Art, Photography and Cosplay focused Tumblr - Here

-Rae Mar. 14th, 2017


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